This is the latest and hottest Myanmar celebrities news what I've found out from online Myanmar forums.
Eaindra Kyaw Zin is always looking for those who are very rich or may be tycoon's sons. About 5 or 6 years ago, I've heard that Eaindra Kyaw Zin and Myanmar hot model Khin Lay New fought each others to get Myanmar tycoon Michael Moe Myint's son.
I've no idea about Myanmar actress Khine Hnin Wai.
But for that popular Myanmar singer, Phyo Gyi is pretty sure that he's womanizing. I've heard that Phyo Gyi and famous Myanmar actor Min Maw Kon go and take the girls from Sanchaung very often.
Hot Myanmar Celebrities News, Hot Myanmar Celebrities Gossips, Myanmar Hot Celebrities News, Myanmar Hot Celebrities Gossips. Myanmar Gossips, Myanmar Celebrities Gossips.
Eaindra Kyaw Zin is always looking for those who are very rich or may be tycoon's sons. About 5 or 6 years ago, I've heard that Eaindra Kyaw Zin and Myanmar hot model Khin Lay New fought each others to get Myanmar tycoon Michael Moe Myint's son.
I've no idea about Myanmar actress Khine Hnin Wai.
But for that popular Myanmar singer, Phyo Gyi is pretty sure that he's womanizing. I've heard that Phyo Gyi and famous Myanmar actor Min Maw Kon go and take the girls from Sanchaung very often.
Hot Myanmar Celebrities News, Hot Myanmar Celebrities Gossips, Myanmar Hot Celebrities News, Myanmar Hot Celebrities Gossips. Myanmar Gossips, Myanmar Celebrities Gossips.