This is what we call Karawate in Kan Daw Gyi park in Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar government renovated Kan Daw Gyi park about two or three years ago for tourist attraction and now, Kan Daw Gyi park is very beautiful, neat and tidy and it becomes a very good place to visit and relaxation. I wanna give you suggestion that when you go and visit Myanmar, don't forget to go and visit Kan Daw Gyi park. When we go there, you will get amazing scenery view of our beautiful Yangon, Myanmar. You can also take the photo of Shwedagon Pagoda from Kan Daw Gyi park and the scenery will be perfect one.
Kandaw Gyi Park, Kandaw Gyi Park Photos, Yangon Photos, Myanmar Photos, Myanmar Traveling, Traveling Myanmar.